The MB Barbell is a high-quality weightlifting bar designed for optimal performance and durability. It features an ez-bar design, measuring 127 cm in length and weighing 35 kg. The bar is made of steel with a chrome-plated finish, ensuring long-lasting use. The discs are rubber-coated, providing added protection against impact and reducing noise during workouts. With a diameter of 25 mm, this bar is suitable for various weightlifting exercises. Elevate Your Weightlifting Experience. Enhance your weightlifting routine with the MB Barbell. Its ez-bar design allows for a more comfortable grip, reducing strain on your wrists and elbows. This provides a safer and more efficient workout experience. The rubber-coated discs not only protect your floors from damage but also minimize noise, making it ideal for home gym setups. The ez-bar design reduces stress on wrists and elbows. The rubber-coated discs prevent damage to floors and reduce noise during workouts. Easily adjustable weights with four 5 kg discs, two 2.5 kg discs, and two 1.25 kg discs. The chrome-plated finish enhances durability and longevity. In addition to its impressive features, the MB Barbell is easily assembled or disassembled for convenient storage or transportation. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced weightlifter, this versatile bar will exceed your expectations and assist you in achieving your fitness goals

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